Saturday, June 21, 2008

Camping in Hotani

Do you know another Gaidai campas called Hotani campas. Near the Gaidai in Hotani, we can do camp!! I went there two oe theree times. Almost all of Hirakata citizens know Hotani camp, because it is very famos and when Hirakata citizen were elementary scoolchild, we went there.
In camp, we can enjoy a lots of things , so I introduce!!
1,we can enjoy doing athletics!! I think we were childhood, we enjoyed athletics. If you want to enjoy athletics again, let's go there!! We can remind when we were childhood.

2,we can enjoy making dinner by myself !! In camp, curry and rice is standard dinner!! It looks like dilicious.

3,we can enjoy doing camp fire. It's a main event in camp. At night,we sit around the fire and then talk or play game.

4, we can enjoy sleeping in a lodge. Lodge is made of wood, so we can feel the difference from your home.

In this way, we can enjoy camp!! I recommend going camp with many peolpe. The cost is not so expensive, very cheap!! I want to go one more time someday!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie theater and Sport shpo

Hirakata has a only one movie theater, along the R1.It takes 15 minutes from gaidai by bicycle. This theater was build just a few years ago, so it has clean theater room. This theater have not only movie room , but also restaurants and clothing shop.This place is so big and there are alot of parking space. You can enjoy this place, even though you don't watch movie. I put coupon on this, if you like to watch latest movie, let's go this theater!!
Next to the theater, there is sport shop, it is called DEPO. You can buy all things that you want, for example baseball glove, golf club, soccer ball, ski board and so on. If you belong to club or circle, you should go there!!